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AP® Physics 1 MCQ Practice Tests

These practice tests have been updated to align with the 2025 AP® Physics 1 exam:
  • The new Fluids unit has been added
  • Section I is 40 multiple-choice questions (was 50 questions)
  • Section I is 80 minutes long (was 90 minutes)

This page includes multiple-choice question (MCQ) practice tests to help you prepare for the MCQ section of the AP® Physics 1 exam. There are are explanations for each question at the end of each test. You can take the practice tests any time, but it's generally recommended that you work through the other practice problems in this course first and take these practice tests closer to the AP® exam.

Note: These exams consist of the AP®-Style Questions included throughout this course, but they are in random order and split up into tests so you can practice solving them without knowing which topic applies to each question.

Check out the Past Exam FRQs page for all of the free-response questions, answers and sample responses from past AP® Physics 1 exams.


  • Section 1 of the exam includes 40 multiple-choice questions. There are four answer options (A-D) for each question, write down only one answer.
  • Your score is based on the number of questions answered correctly, no points are deducted for incorrect or unanswered questions.
  • You can use the AP Physics 1 equation sheet, a calculator and paper for doing work.
  • Total time allowed: 80 minutes (for each practice test of 40 multiple-choice questions)

An answer key and explanations are included at the end of each practice test. After the time is up, score your answers using the answer key. Then read through the explanations for the questions you answered incorrectly and review those topics in the course if needed.

Example of an AP Physics 1 multiple choice practice question and solution
MCQ Practice Test 1
MCQ Practice Test 1.pdf
MCQ Practice Test 2
MCQ Practice Test 2.pdf
MCQ Practice Test 3
MCQ Practice Test 3.pdf
MCQ Practice Test 4
MCQ Practice Test 4.pdf

These practice tests have been updated to align with the 2025 AP® Physics 1 exam:
  • The new Fluids unit has been added
  • Section I is 40 multiple-choice questions (was 50 questions)
  • Section I is 80 minutes long (was 90 minutes)

This page includes multiple-choice question (MCQ) practice tests to help you prepare for the MCQ section of the AP® Physics 1 exam. There are are explanations for each question at the end of each test. You can take the practice tests any time, but it's generally recommended that you work through the other practice problems in this course first and take these practice tests closer to the AP® exam.

Note: These exams consist of the AP®-Style Questions included throughout this course, but they are in random order and split up into tests so you can practice solving them without knowing which topic applies to each question.

Check out the Past Exam FRQs page for all of the free-response questions, answers and sample responses from past AP® Physics 1 exams.


  • Section 1 of the exam includes 40 multiple-choice questions. There are four answer options (A-D) for each question, write down only one answer.
  • Your score is based on the number of questions answered correctly, no points are deducted for incorrect or unanswered questions.
  • You can use the AP Physics 1 equation sheet, a calculator and paper for doing work.
  • Total time allowed: 80 minutes (for each practice test of 40 multiple-choice questions)

An answer key and explanations are included at the end of each practice test. After the time is up, score your answers using the answer key. Then read through the explanations for the questions you answered incorrectly and review those topics in the course if needed.

Example of an AP Physics 1 multiple choice practice question and solution
MCQ Practice Test 1
MCQ Practice Test 1.pdf
MCQ Practice Test 2
MCQ Practice Test 3
MCQ Practice Test 4

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