Course Development Progress

The Physics 1 course is in development! New content is being added daily, here's the current status of the course:

  • Unit 1 - Basics: Complete (will continue to be updated based on feedback)
  • Unit 2 - Kinematics: Complete (will continue to be updated based on feedback)
  • Units 3-8:
  • Study guides: Complete (will continue to be updated based on feedback)
  • Practice problems: Complete (more will be added based on feedback)
  • AP®-Style questions: Complete (will continue to be updated based on feedback)
  • Lesson videos: In Progress - Links to lesson videos from other sources are available on each topic page. Physics Lab lesson videos will be added from Summer to Fall 2024.
  • Example problem videos: Links to example videos from other sources are available on each topic page. Physics Lab example problem videos will likely be added Fall 2024 - Spring 2025.
  • AP® Physics 1 practice tests: Complete

You can sign up now for early access! Get lifetime access to the course at a lower price, and get the Physics Lab equation sheet and all of the study guides compiled into one PDF.

Announcements are posted in the Physics Lab Discord server #announcements channel when new content is added or updated, as well as other updates about the course.

Check out the Other Resources and AP Physics Resources pages for links to other YouTube channels, websites and suggested textbooks for Physics 1.

I also do 1-on-1 physics tutoring over Zoom, check out the Tutoring page for more information.

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