
Looking for 1-on-1 physics tutoring? I offer tutoring over Zoom, customized for each student based on what you need help with. In addition to tutoring sessions you also get lifetime access to the Physics Lab course for free!

Interested in tutoring? Submit your email below and I'll send you more information! If you have any questions feel free to email me any time at [email protected] or send me a message on Discord @physicslab

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Physics tutoring session about free body diagrams on Zoom

Tutoring sessions can be customized based on what you want help with:

Need help with homework or want to review specific questions?
You can send me questions before the session and then we can walk through and solve them together.

Studying for a test?
We can review any topics or questions that you need help with and figure out what you should focus on.

Need more help learning physics?
We can do more lecture-style sessions and cover any topics you need help with.

Not sure where you're struggling with physics, or trying to improve your grade?
We can spend some time diagnosing what you're having trouble with and figure out how you can improve.

Comments from other students I've tutored:

"Chris is very good at breaking down difficult concepts into terms that are more easily understood, compared to what might be said in lecture”

"It makes me think about the problems in a way that I wouldn’t if I were working them out on my own”

"He slows everything down and just gives you the basics of what you really need to know. I feel like during lectures you get bombarded with info”

"He's helped me even more than daily lectures! Thank you so much”

Included for free with tutoring:

  • Lifetime access to the Physics Lab course (refunded if you already signed up)
  • Help between tutoring sessions through Discord messaging or email
  • All of the Physics Lab study guides compiled into a downloadable PDF (color and B&W):

All of the Physics Lab study guides in one PDF
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