Physics Lab
Physics Lab
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*Conservation of Energy, Work & Power

Now that we understand some of the different types of energy, let's learn about what makes energy so special: the conservation of energy.

The law of conservation of energy: Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another form. The total amount of energy in the universe or an isolated system is conserved.

The total sum of the energy in the universe today is the same amount as it was yesterday, and last week, and billions of years ago. The total amount of energy never changes over time, but the amounts of each type of energy can change as energy is converted between different forms. The lecture in the link below from physicist Richard Feynman gives a great summary of how we can think about the conservation of energy:

After we understand isolated systems and the conservation of energy, we can learn how energy is transferred into or out of a non-isolated system through work.

Work is another word that people use a lot but has a very specific meaning in physics: the transfer of energy into or out of a system due to a force which causes a displacement. We can calculate work as the force applied to an object multiplied by the displacement of the object. If you push someone on a sled and increase their speed, you've done work on that person and increased their kinetic energy. If you lift up a box, you've done work on the box and increased its gravitational potential energy.

One more common word that has a specific physics definition is power: a change in energy (or work) per unit of time. If you increased the speed of the sled or the height of the box in less time then you would have exerted more power. You might be more familiar with electrical power, but we're only going to cover mechanical power in this course.

Study guide with the variables, equations and examples of the law of conservation of energy
Study guide with the variables, equations and examples of power and energy over time

*Questions 17, 18, 25 involve rotational kinetic energy which is covered in a later lesson.
Conservation of Energy
AP Physics 1 multiple choice questions (MCQ) for conservation of energy, work and power



Free-Response Questions


  • 2024 Q1 - - Block sliding on a track with loops, forces, FBDs, circular motion, energy
  • 2024 Q2 - - (Experimental design) Masses oscillating on a spring, simple harmonic motion, energy, momentum
  • 2024 Q5 - - Collision of two blocks, momentum, energy, forces
  • 2023 Q1 - - Cart oscillating on horizontal spring, simple harmonic motion, energy, work
  • 2023 Q4 - - Block hanging from string around pulley, rotational motion, torque, angular momentum, energy, work
  • 2023 Q5 - - Sphere and rod rotating about axle, rotational motion, torque, energy, work
  • 2022 Q1 - - Pulley system with 2 blocks and a spring, kinematics, forces, energy, work
  • 2022 Q3 - - (Experimental design) Block hanging from string around wheel, energy, rotational motion
  • 2022 Q5 - - Mass oscillating on a vertical spring, simple harmonic motion, energy, work
  • 2021 Q1 - - Cyclist on ramp jumps over cars, kinematics, projectile motion, energy, work
  • 2021 Q4 - - Cylinder rolls and block slides down an incline, energy, work, rotational motion
  • 2019 Q1 - - Plunger pushes block and sphere across surface, kinematics, forces, energy, work, torque, angular momentum
  • 2019 Q3 - - (Experimental design) Sphere is launched with a spring plunger, projectile motion, energy
  • 2018 Q5 - - Block dropped on another oscillating block, energy, momentum, simple harmonic motion
  • 2017 Q4 - - Blocks launched from slides on tables, projectile motion, energy
  • 2016 Q1 - - Wheel rolls down an incline, forces, FBDs, energy, friction
  • 2016 Q2 - - (Experimental design) Testing collisions for a ball, energy
  • 2016 Q3 - - Cart rolls down an incline with bumps, kinematics, energy
  • 2015 Q3 - - Block-spring system sliding on surface, energy, work, friction


  • 2024 Q4 - - Pendulum on different planets, law of gravitation, simple harmonic motion, work, spring force
  • 2023 Q1 - - Cart oscillating on horizontal spring, simple harmonic motion, energy, work
  • 2023 Q4 - - Block hanging from string around pulley, rotational motion, torque, angular momentum, energy, work
  • 2023 Q5 - - Sphere and rod rotating about axle, rotational motion, torque, energy, work
  • 2022 Q1 - - Pulley system with 2 blocks and a spring, kinematics, forces, energy, work
  • 2022 Q5 - - Mass oscillating on a vertical spring, simple harmonic motion, energy, work
  • 2021 Q1 - - Cyclist on ramp jumps over cars, kinematics, projectile motion, energy, work
  • 2021 Q4 - - Cylinder rolls and block slides down an incline, energy, work, rotational motion
  • 2019 Q1 - - Plunger pushes block and sphere across surface, kinematics, forces, energy, work, torque, angular momentum
  • 2015 Q3 - - Block-spring system sliding on surface, energy, work, friction

Now that we understand some of the different types of energy, let's learn about what makes energy so special: the conservation of energy.

The law of conservation of energy: Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another form. The total amount of energy in the universe or an isolated system is conserved.

The total sum of the energy in the universe today is the same amount as it was yesterday, and last week, and billions of years ago. The total amount of energy never changes over time, but the amounts of each type of energy can change as energy is converted between different forms. The lecture in the link below from physicist Richard Feynman gives a great summary of how we can think about the conservation of energy:

After we understand isolated systems and the conservation of energy, we can learn how energy is transferred into or out of a non-isolated system through work.

Work is another word that people use a lot but has a very specific meaning in physics: the transfer of energy into or out of a system due to a force which causes a displacement. We can calculate work as the force applied to an object multiplied by the displacement of the object. If you push someone on a sled and increase their speed, you've done work on that person and increased their kinetic energy. If you lift up a box, you've done work on the box and increased its gravitational potential energy.

One more common word that has a specific physics definition is power: a change in energy (or work) per unit of time. If you increased the speed of the sled or the height of the box in less time then you would have exerted more power. You might be more familiar with electrical power, but we're only going to cover mechanical power in this course.

Conservation of Energy
Preview of the AP Physics 1 multiple choice questions (MCQ) for conservation of energy, work and power
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